Roadschooling Curriculum Options for Homeschooling on the Go

So, you’ve decided to roadschool your children. Congratulations! You have embarked on a unique and wonderful journey that will bring new opportunities and experiences for both you and your family.

But what now? I bet you have lots of questions! I did! What curriculum should you choose? Do you need a specific curriculum or can you just open up a book and go? And how do online virtual schools fit into the mix? We’ll answer all those questions and more in this post.

As a traveling homeschool family, we are always on the go. We love to take road trips and explore new places.

While using a traditional curriculum can work well when you’re home, you may need a bit more flexibility when you’re on the road.

There are lots of different curriculum options out there, and it can definitely get overwhelming so I’ve put together a list to help you get started!

Free Online Homeschooling Programs

Some people think homeschooling is super expensive, but it doesn’t have to be! There are tons of completely free homeschooling programs that can be done online.

Choosing a free online homeschooling program is a great option for roadschooling families who will have access to WiFi.

Something to keep in mind – if you choose an online homeschooling program, you will be the facilitator of your child’s learning. They will not have a teacher.

Here’s a list of some of the top free online homeschooling programs.

Ambleside Online

Ambleside Online uses the Charlotte Mason style of homeschooling which means it focuses on living books, rich literature, and nature. The Ambleside curriculum was put together by a group of homeschooling moms with a focus on Christian character building. If this program sounds good to you, here is an FAQ sheet with more information about their program.

Discovery K12

Discovery K12 is a free online secular curriculum for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Students are given daily assignments to complete online and the curriculum can be used full or part-time. All normal subjects are included in the curriculum, plus extras such as Spanish, Finance, Coding, and more.

Easy Peasy

Easy Peasy is another free resource for homeschoolers. They include all regular school subjects and have extras such as gym, drawing, and Bible as well. Simply choose which level your child should be placed into based on their knowledge level and get started.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a free online homeschooling program for grades K-12, college, and college prep. The program has courses for all subjects, and extra courses such as Internet Safety, Computer Programming, Careers.

K12 Learning

K12 Learning is free for grades K-12. They offer personalized learning plans and engaging and interactive lessons. Students log in and watch live classes, complete their assignments, watch videos, and take quizzes. There are message boards so students can discuss what they’re learning and connect with other students.

Paid Online Homeschooling Programs

If you’re looking for an online program but want more features than some of the free programs allow, maybe a paid online homeschooling program is right for you. Paid programs often have better graphics, more interactive and engaging material, and make learning more fun.

ABC Mouse

ABC Mouse is great for young learners – ages 2-8. Adventure Academy, which is part of ABC Mouse is geared towards students age 8-13. Their program has a learning path that children can complete for all regular subjects – Language Arts, Math, Science, History, and Art. The information is presented in a fun and engaging manner such as a game, puzzle, or learning video. The website offers printables so some of the work can be completed offline. The cost for ABC Mouse is $12.99 per month.

BJU Press

BJU Press is a Christian-based homeschooling program that comes highly recommended by a lot of homeschool moms I know. There are complete kits to purchase for each level (K-12) which allow students to watch video lessons and have physical books to complete their lessons. They also offer a “Mom’s Minutes” before each lesson which explains to parents what kids are learning. BJU Press has a completely customizable program which changes the cost of the package. For example, you can elect to watch videos online or by DVD. You can purchase textbooks or have your kids do everything online. For this reason, I didn’t list a price for BJU Press because it can vary so much but feel free to click the link, add the items you need to your cart, and see what the final price is. Usually, it’s around $650.


Time4Learning is a PreK-12th grade online homeschooling program that offers a full curriculum, lesson plans, answer keys, grading, and reporting. They offer all normal school subjects plus 14 elective options such as Healthy Living, Economics, and Psychology. Parents pay a monthly subscription of $15-$20 depending on the grade level.

Free Virtual School

While the above-mentioned options require more work from the parents, as the parents are the instructors, online schooling (virtual schooling) offers online teachers and is an extension of the public school system.

Connections Academy

Connections Academy is an online public school for grades K-12. You’ll need to enter your zip code to see if there is a school they can connect you with in your state. Even if you’re a travel homeschooling family, you’ll still use your home zip code.

Accelerate Academy

Accelerate Academy is an accredited, private school for grades K-12. They offer a full curriculum or individual classes, depending on your child’s needs. They have a complete course catalog to review to see if this program is right for your child. Once you choose the courses, it gives you a list of topics that will be covered, materials needed, and the duration of the course.

K12 Learning

K12 is an online public school. They do have a private option, but that is a paid program. (see next section) They use a combination of online learning and hands-on, making it a versatile program for students.

For more information on how to get started with virtual schooling, read this.

Paid Virtual School

Just as there are paid options for online homeschooling programs, there are also paid programs for virtual online schools. Here are some of the options.

Virtual Learning Academy Charter School

Virtual Learning Academy Charter School is both rigorous and flexible. It offers customized learning, an early college program, regular classes, and electives such as photography and fitness. They also offer full and part-time options for students K-12. The cost is $1027 per credit hour.

The Keystone School

The Keystone School is flexible, teaches grades K-12, and is accredited. Students can opt to go full-time or part-time, depending on their needs. Their course catalog includes common subjects, electives, and advance classes.

Tuition costs depend on grade level. Elementary tuition is $500 per course and $2375 per grade level for all classes. Middle school tuition is $399 per class and the full course load varies from $1995 to $2890. Their high school options are purchased per class only. The full cost is usually $1800-$2800 depending on which courses are chosen.

They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, discounts, payment plans, and a sibling discount.

Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs School is a private, accredited, option. In addition to K-12 courses, they offer college prep courses as well. Tuition includes a full course load, all materials needed for the courses, and teacher feedback. Tuition is based on grade level. Elementary prices are $3000 per semester or $5000 per year. Middle school is $4000 per semester and $7000 per year. High school is $5250 per semester and $9500 for a full year.

K12 Learning

K12 Learning offers a private school option for students K-12. There are full or part-time options available, year-round start dates, and career prep for grades 6-12. Tuition for elementary students is $4995, middle school is $5995, and high school is $6995. Those rates are for a full year. Parents can also pay each semester, which is $3499 regardless of grade level.

They offer payment plans and sibling discounts.

To find out what options are available for your home state, read this.

Open and Go Curriculum

If you’re looking for a roadschooling curriculum that doesn’t require any pre-planning, the open and go option might be perfect for you. Just pull out your materials when it’s time to learn something new and hit the road! Almost all homeschooling curriculums offer online placement tests, and many offer individual books instead of packages.

I prefer individual books so that if my son is advanced in Math but not Language Arts, he can keep working ahead in Math, while staying on track for his “grade” level in other subjects.

We use The Good and the Beautiful curriculum when we are following a curriculum. You can opt to purchase books (usually around $40) or you can download the PDF versions for FREE and have them spiral bound at your local print shop.

Here are some of the top choices for open and go homeschooling material.

NameAll SubjectsFaith-BasedFull Kits Individual BooksKit Price Range
BJU PressXXXX$639-$969
Christian LibertyXXXX$410-$840
Heart of DakotaXXXN/A
Hooked on PhonicsLanguage Arts onlyX$79-$305
Landmarks Freedom Baptist CurriculumXXXX$200-$270
Math-U-SeeMath onlyXX$102-$188
My Father’s WorldXXXX$420-$551
Robinson CurriculumXXX$195
Rod and StaffXXXX$338-$392
Saxon MathMath onlyXX$118-$274
The Good and the BeautifulXXXXFREE!
Winter PromiseXXXXN/A

Using the Library Only

Did you know you can completely customize your child’s education by using only the library as a resource? It’s true. You don’t necessarily need to purchase big box curriculum sets. Instead, you can visit the library often and let your children learn about what interests them.

You can also speak to a librarian and come up with a book list to use throughout the school year.

This plan is great for those who use unit studies. Unit studies are great because you can ask your child what they want to learn about and incorporate all subjects into that topic.

For example, if you chose the topic of oceans, you could:

  • Compare of the depths and surface area of each ocean (math)
  • Study locations of each ocean (geography)
  • Write a report about different creatures in the ocean (science, research, and writing)
  • Read books about sea creatures (science and reading)
  • Watch a documentary about the oil spill (history)
  • Create a spelling list of ocean-related topics and have your child write them down (spelling and writing)

This is a quick example of how to take a topic of interest and incorporate all subjects. It’s great for travelers because you can study the areas you’re visiting!

If you decide to homeschool by using unit studies, here is an extensive list of topics to choose from!

No Curriculum

I’m a big fan of not following a formal curriculum while roadschooling, at least for younger students. This follows more of the unschooling mentality which was founded by John Holt. If you are interested in this homeschooling style and methodology, I encourage you to read How Children Learn and How Children Fail by John Holt.

Parents who choose not to follow a curriculum must be intentional in creating a learning environment and planning activities that encourage learning.

For example, on a roadschooling trip to Utah:

  • explore several national parks (science, history, physicial education)
  • learn about the history of American Indians and their tribes (history)
  • practice writing on a writing tablet while traveling (writing)
  • do lots of read alouds and flashcards (reading)
  • cook, play Snakes & Ladders and Bingo (math)
  • practice lots of life skills, such as cleaning, cooking, money management (life skills)

You can completely customize your child’s education by doing this. Sure, it takes a little prep and thought, but it’s very rewarding and fits in well with a travel lifestyle. Here is a day in the life of my traveling homeschooler.


Roadschooling can be a great way to homeschool on the go. There are many different curriculum options that you can use to make your road schooling experience successful. Do your research and find the right fit for your family. Don’t forget to take advantage of online resources and virtual schools as well. With a little planning, you can have a great roadschooling experience!

No matter which route you choose, make sure to keep learning and exploring while on the road!

Lauren Amanda

Lauren Amanda is a homeschool mom who is passionate about sharing the benefits of incorporating travel into learning. Her motto is "learning is everywhere and doesn't have to occur behind a textbook." Lauren, her husband, and their young son travel all over America in an effort to have fun, freedom, and flexibility while providing a unique education.

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